Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Time is flying by already! Here's our little McCrea snuggling with his older sister Lorelei. We have only been home from the hospital for a couple days. The first night was a nightmare as McCrea cried until 5:30 in the morning. I thought it was never going to end! The next night he surprised us and slept peacefully for a few hours at a time, and he has been a good sleeper ever since. We took him to the doctors that Monday because he was looking very Jaundice, however, he passed the test and is doing well. We then did a weight check and he was down from 7lbs 12ozs to 7lbs, so we had to up his formula intake. We went back to check him 48 hours later and he was up to 7lbs 6ozs. He is now off to a good start and eating well, I just hope he doesn't become a huge chunker like Lorelei was. He has been such a blessing to our family and we are so excited to love and enjoy all his cute little noises, crying, (okay, maybe not so much) looks and cuddles. He is such a lovable little boy and we all can't get enough of holding and kissing our little guy!


Jen/JRC Ghostbusters! said...

Oh Teresa - HE IS BEAUTIFUL!!! Lorelei looks like she is having a blast being a big sister!

Unknown said...

how sweet! she is just a little mommy!

anika saw these pictures and said, Lorelei is a grown up now? She has a baby?? pretty funny! :)