Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th of July!

Watching the fireworks from our roof!I even got up on the roof with this big belly!
Lorelei pointing out her favorite fireworks!

Although our 4th of July wasn't all that relaxing, we did take a break from all our chores, to go swimming, BBQ up some hamburgers and climbed up on the roof and to watch the fireworks. We tried to sing some patriotic songs to get into the 4th of July spirit. Lorelei was so thrilled to look up at to different areas in the sky and be able to point out her favorite colors as each firework popped open. Of course, she liked the pink and the purple ones the best. Hopefully, next year will be more relaxing as we won't be panicked to get all the projects done for baby.


*Monica* said...

I cannot believe you got on the roof crazy woman! I wish you guys had been here.

Unknown said...

i am impressed you got on your roof! YOU GO GIRL!! it looks like you had a GREAT 4th!