Monday, April 14, 2008

Swimming Lessons!

Lorelei and Sophia ready for swimming!

HOLD ON, I got to get my goggles on!
Ready, Set, Here I go!

My little fish has hit the water again! Swim lessons have finally arrived and she couldn't be more excited. She has always been my little fish and has loved the water from the beginning. I guess it helps that her name "Lorelei" is from a German legend of a mermaid on the Rhine river. I guess she fits her name well. My little mermaid hasn't lost a beat. She has picked up swimming again right where she left off from last year. Having a swimming pool at our home has made swim lessons a priority here. She has no fear of the water and although we take precautions to protect her from it, the best thing is having her learn to swim at a young age. She praticularly excels at swimming underwater and loves jumping off the diving board.
We need to work on our strokes now! Hooray for swimming!


Unknown said...

now I am excited to get miss Anika in swimming!! I want to go swimming that looks so refreshing!!

Andrea said...

Looks fun! Especially to be able to swim outside already. I need to get boys into swimming lessons. They all LOVE the water, too!