Scanner broken, so pictures didn't turn out right.
Happy 8th Anniversary!

Going on the Gondola Ride!

HAPPY 8TH ANNIVERSARY! Yes, we survived the seven year itch! Has it been eight years of joy? Has it been eight years of bliss? Has it been eight years of happiness? Has it been eight years of fairy tale endings? As much as I believe in joy, bliss, happiness and fairy tale endings, MARRIAGE, does not bring those things. Joy, Bliss, Happiness and Fairy Tale endings are something that you dream of and then you wake to REALITY! Marriage has many ups and downs, it's the rollercoaster ride we jumped on with our eyes closed, not knowing what was around the bend, or how scary the next hill was going to be, or how hard it was going to be traveling back up the steep tracks. Marriage has it's happy times and those are definitely the times you want to hold on to forever. However, marriage also brings learning to deal with trials, schooling, children, bills, deadlines and responsibilities. Where do you find the time to be with each other anymore? I truly felt that my prince charming had rescued me from my "Cinderalla life," not knowing that my "Cinderella life," was just beginning. Sure the glass slipper fit perfectly at the time, but then as my foot grew bigger with each child and more responsibilities piled on top, I had to forget about the fairy tale I was trying to hold on to and try on some other sizes and different styles of glass slippers.. We all have many shoes to fit into, but the one shoe that is always the hardest to fit into is the glass slipper you once had. It is the one that you promised to be the perfect bride, the one who promised that you wouldn't change, or you wouldn't gain weight, and that you wouldn't have to deal with trials. I am always still holding on to the mold that I once saw myself in. Hopefully we'll find the shoe that fits and be happy with what size, color and different style it now is. Unfortunately, we can never go back and change things, we can only look forward to the future with hope and faith that we can continue on the rollercoaster ride in the proper size of glass slippers. Here is to another year of joy, bliss, happiness and the dreams of a fairy tale ending.
Eight things that I love about Chad!
He is very intelligent and smart.
He is good looking and has a great smile.
He is very funny and has a great sense of humor.
He is good looking and has a great smile.
He is very funny and has a great sense of humor.
He is hard worker and provides well for his family.
He is a wonderful father to both Lorelei and McCrea.
He is sensitive and loving.
He loves to get hugs and kisses.
He is a wonderful husband and friend.
We have made it a tradition for the past three years that we go up to Scottsdale to the Hyatt. We eat at the restaurant "Alto." It is an Italian restaurant where we enjoy yummy food and creme brule for dessert. We then wait to take a Gondola ride on the lake. A Gondolier sings opera to us as we relax under a blanket and candlelight on the lake. It was a wonderful evening.
love the pics of the past! you guys look SOO young!! it is amazing what 8 years does! :) you are both still as beautiful as ever!!
love the post and I love the 8 things you wrote about Chad. NOw doesn't taht make you love him even more??? I love you guys!!!
wow .. where is this gondola ride on the lake? sounds romantic! you both still look as good as you did 8 years ago!
i love your insight on marriage. congrats & i hope many more happy years are ahead!
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