Bestfriends since 1993
mall parking lot.
Me and my ass!
Thinking this was hilarious at the time we needed to take
pictures of our find at the mall parking lot in case no one believed us.
Here we are with our favorite statue Henry!
pictures of our find at the mall parking lot in case no one believed us.
I was so excited to hear that Arianne had booked her flight and was coming down to sunny Arizona to see me. Arianne has been one of my bestest friends since highschool. It has been almost 16 years that we've known each other and we have been through so much together. We had stories after stories we could laugh about or talk about. It's amazing after 16 years of friendship that you continue to do the stupidest things together and still get a good laugh about it. We have many inside jokes and it was great just being with one of my favorite girls in the whole world. Arianne is one of the most kind-hearted and sweetest people on this earth. She genuinely cares about people and probably has more friends than anyone I ever knew. She is definitely a people person and is loyal to all her friends.
We had a great time together. After I picked her up from the airport, we went over to Arizona Mills mall and ate at the Rainforest Cafe, we then did some shopping and then went out to see a movie "House Bunny." (Remember the way she says peoples names ARIAAAANNNE.) We got a good laugh about that one. We then went to Angel Sweet the best Gelato place in Arizona. I got her addicted to Gelato, like I have everyone else who has come down to visit me. The next day we went to the Arizona State Fair, totally ghetto, but still so much fun. As long as you went before noon you got in for free. We walked all around and checked out all booths, farm animals and ate funnel cake, gyros and lemonade. We were there for hours looking at all the winners of photography, art, baked goods, quilts, scrapbooks, cakes etc. Of course I love all the infomercial stuff they try and sell. It was fun. We are both thinking we need to enter the State Fair next year. They enter everything and anything these days. I know I can totally win first place on something!
The next couple days we enjoyed doing some shopping, we bought matching pajama pants, got pedicures, watched movies, went to the zoo with the kiddos, called our bestfriends Jenny, Cheri and Jeanne. Arianne introduced me to facebook, but I will have to try it out when baby is a little bit older and not so needy. It takes too much time.
We also went and saw the movie "Mamma Mia." As we were leaving the theater and walking out to the car, I noticed a statue in the middle of no where. It was a statue of a guy with a pick in his hand and a donkey on the side. No joke this is in the median in the middle of the Superstition Springs mall parking lot. It was just so random, so we had to go take pictures with him. We named him Henry. We got lots of laughs with our statue Henry and his ASS! You probably just had to be there. Huh Air!
Anyway, thanks Air for coming down to be with me. It was a much needed girls weekend. You are the best. I love you to death. Now we have many more memories and inside jokes to laugh about. HA HA
this made me laugh and cry. i miss you!! I had the best time ever on this trip. It makes me realize I want to live closer to you.
I miss Henry and his "ass". I need to go back and see him. next time you see him run and give him a kiss from his favorite girl.
I can't wait to see you over the holidays!!!
you need to look for a job down south for us and maybe we will have to move closer to you. I would say move here BUT I need that gelato!! :)
love you lots!!! hugs and kisses!
Wishing I was there! ;)
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