Saturday, November 15, 2008


McCrea at four months old! He is such a big boy! We went for his 4 month check up and he is now weighing in at 16lbs and 26 1/4 inches long. He is 90% for height and weight. He's not as big as Lorelei was, but he is still very solid. We are enjoying all the cute laughs, giggles, talking and games he plays with us. We started the "stand up, sit down game," something we did with Lorelei. He loves this game, as we say, "And the baby stands up," he pushes up into a standing position, then we say "And the baby sits down," then he plops himself down on our laps. He loves this new game and gets so excited when we play it. We are just so amazed that he understands this game and knows exactly what to do.
McCrea also started grabbing his feet, he holds on to his feet and rocks back and forth. He has even gotten his little toes up to his mouth for him to suck on. He loves to suck on everything, his hands, toes, arms, fingers, toys, and anything he can get his hands on.
McCrea has even rolled over a couple times, however, we haven't witnessed this precious event. We just know we have placed him on his back and when we come back he is on his stomach. Hopefully, we'll capture it on camera.
McCrea is a very needy baby. Not only has he been very sick and colicky the last couple months, but he also wants to be held non-stop. He will cry and cry until someone picks him up. As soon as you pick him up he immediately stops and is content. He also gets bored with things easily. He likes his swing, ultrasaucer, bouncy, play mat, etc, but he only likes it for about 5 minutes at a time. He is already picky about certain things. We may be in for it.
We sure adore our baby boy. He has given us so much joy. We love his cute, gumless, smile, his giggles and laughs, his talking and cooing, he loves to mimic us and he has started this really low voice, it almost sounds demonic, but it is too cute. We are noticing that his eyes are changing from a very light blue to possibly hazel, like his daddy. Anyway we are enjoying kissing those chubby cheeks, squeezing his tiny body against ours and watching our bouncing baby boy grow. We love you McCrea!


Unknown said...

oh i miss this kid! I can't wait to see him and kiss those checks in about 3 weeks!!!

Jen/JRC Ghostbusters! said...

Oh Teresa! He is so sweet! I can't believe how much he looks like Lorelei!

CtephFrid said...

Such an adorable baby. I can't believe how fast time is flying. It seems just like last week you posted about his birth!!! Time sure flies! Soo Soo Cute!

jolie said...

He is SO adorable! I'm glad I got to see him this past week.

DianeM said...

I want to eat him up, he's just too cute. I's odd that our blogs are keeping us updated on each other's lives when we live so close. This weekend looks good for us. Give me a call.

Andrea said...

He's getting so big and he is SOOOO CUTE!!

[alisar] said...

What a cute boy! I wish I could see him in person!

Jill T said...

4 months already? Crazy. He is such a cutie!

[RochelleG] said...

his smile is to die for!