Check out those tonsils!
Getting ready for surgery!
She got these cute scrubs and got to pick out her hat.
She even got to get her doggy ready with very own hat and wrist band.
She is trying to be very brave.
After Surgery, watching a movie. She seems quite relaxed.
She even gave us a little smile. It must have been the drugs!
She got these cute scrubs and got to pick out her hat.
She even got to get her doggy ready with very own hat and wrist band.
She is trying to be very brave.
Lorelei was super lucky! The NHL Coyote Hockey team came to visit her.
She got an autograph picture and a cute teddy bear.
The guys coming to visit with Lorelei. It made her really happy.
It really cheered her up.

We discovered Lorelei had a snoring problem over a year ago. We just thought this to be an annoyance that this household would have to get used to. However, we didn't realize the lack of sleep she was getting because of sleep apnea. I guess it makes sense now, she was always up two to three times a night. Even McCrea was a better sleeper than Lorelei. It was sad. We didn't realize she had a severe problem. After taking her to the ENT doctor and after an X-ray of her throat she was diagnosed with hypertrophy tonsils and had 80% obstruction due to her adenoids and tonsils. He immediately advised us to get her tonsils and adenoids out and wanted to schedule us right away. Unfortunately, the next available surgery was during the holidays and we were going to be out of town. Because of the severity and because of her asthma she needed to be hospitalized for the day for observation. So we set the date for February 9th. We prepared Lorelei the best we could. We had a little book we read to her each night that helped her understand the surgery and how she would feel better afterwards. We went out shopping the week before and got food, ice cream, a stuffed dog she wanted to bring to the hospital and some new pajamas. We even got lots of movies to watch. However, as much as we prepared her, we were not PREPARED! It was a nightmare for us. We went in to the hospital for a scheduled 10:00 surgery. Lorelei got in some cute scrubs and they even gave her a bear. The doctors came in to meet us and talk to us about the surgery. We said our goodbyes as they wheeled her away in a wagon. Lorelei was so BRAVE! They said she didn't cry and put the mask on and fell right to sleep. It was so sad to see my little girl disappear behind the doors. Luckily, the procedure was done in 20 minutes. The doctor even commented on how well she did and that the surgery was a success. He couldn't believe how big they were and said that she will have a better quality of life after this. We finally were able to go back to see her where she was quite out of it and was crying. I finally took her in my arms and rocked her to sleep. She couldn't breathe, because the anesthesia caused her asthma to flare up and it was so bad. Luckily, they gave her a breathing treatment and she was off to sleep again. She was a not a happy girl. We finally got to our room where we entertained Lorelei with movies. She cried a lot and was in a lot of pain. It was so discouraging. One of the highlights was that the NHL Coyote Hockey Team came to visit her. They gave her an autograph picture and a cute little teddy bear. We even got pictures with them. It was cool to meet some of the players.
She got an autograph picture and a cute teddy bear.
Unfortunately, McCrea was sent to the ER while we were there. Lorelei screamed out in pain, as I looked over for one second McCrea rolled off the couch and on to the floor. Chad spent an hour and half in the ER making sure he was okay. It was definitely not the best timing, especially because we already had our hands full with Lorelei. It was so sad, but luckily McCrea was okay. Lorelei struggled through the night. Both Chad and I stayed at the hospital while Tana took McCrea for the night. We didn't get much sleep because Lorelei was up most the night. It is so sad to see your little girl suffer. They released us from the hospital the next morning. The rest the week was a nightmare. Lorelei was in so much pain, she didn't want to eat, take her medicine, drink or do anything. It was terrible. I hated that whole week. She couldn't sleep at night, she had the worst breath EVER and she constantly was spitting up mucus and saliva. It was so disgusting. Luckily, after we survived the week, she was ready to go back to school and has been doing so much better. She is finally sleeping through the night and doesn't even snore anymore. I know the week from hell has already paid off. She is doing so much better. No parent wants to see there child suffer like that ever and this is supposed to be a routine surgery. I'm just not cut out for this stuff. We were so lucky to have Tana come help and stay with us during that week. She was a lifesaver. Thank you Nana! Lorelei is back to her normal shenanigans. She is fully recovered! Hooray, Hooray!
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