Eating Peas

Rolling Over!

McCrea is on a fast track to doing new things. We finally started him on solid foods. We have to take it slow because of his allergies and watch him carefully. So far he is enjoying his rice cereal. His first food was Sweet Peas but those didn't go over too well. He was very gassy and we are thinking we won't be trying that again for awhile. Probably didn't agree with his body. However, he loves Sweet Potatoes so far. It is fun to see him gobble it up. He loves it. Now that he has the rolling over thing down, he moved on to easier ways to getting around. On March 7th McCrea started crawling. He is already a pro. He is all over the place. He also learned to pull himself up on things. He's going to go from crawling to walking in no time. On March 9th he finally got his right incisor tooth and on the 10th his left incisor came in. It looks like his incisors are coming in before his front teeth, so he's going to look like a little vampire. McCrea is enthralled with ceiling fans. He loves them and watches them any chance he gets. We also just got McCrea an activity jumper. This is his favorite toy. He loves to jump and bounces up and down. I guess this is why they call them, "bouncing baby boys!" He also loves his bath time and as soon as he hears the water he gets very excited. He splashes away as soon as he gets in. He loves washcloths too. He loves to suck on them, so cleaning him can be a chore because he grabs the washcloth right out of your hands. He is a little stinker! He definitely has a smile to melt the hearts of many. He has the cutest little giggle. We love to make him laugh. He adores his older sister Lorelei and lights up as soon as she comes in the room or when she pays attention to him. He is the light of our life. We just love our little stinker so much.
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