"When I grow up I want to be an artist and teach art class. I will have a kid and we're going to have fun. We are going to do art and make mice and eat sugar and drink water and juice and have fun. We can have recess. The only bad thing is that we will have timeout."
This is what Lorelei was rattling off in the back of the car. Since I was parked at a store, I was able to write it down. It is so funny what kids come up with. She always knows how to make me laugh.
She also has started to use the word "Freakin." It is so funny and emphasizes what she is really trying to say. I wonder where she learned that from!
We were playing a guessing game. What animal is a certain color, size etc. Chad and I were having hard time guessing Lorelei's animal. She kept giving us different clues, however, we weren't getting close. She finally said it started with a C and lives in the ocean. Chad thought of clown fish, but that was wrong. After different things I finally said, "Seahorse," I was right. In her little mind, of course Seahorse started with a C. It was so funny. Later I asked what letter Seahorse started with and she told me an "S," I think she was just trying to give us a better hint than just what letter it started with. It was so funny.
We were having a conversation about having babies. Lorelei asked me if it hurt to have kids. I couldn't lie and didn't want to get into the different ways we woman have kids. Lorelei went on to say that she doesn't want to have kids, because it will hurt. However, she said maybe she would have one kid. I asked, "Why not have eight kids?" "Oma had eight kids!" She said, "No way, that would mean I would have to make too MUCH DINNER!" She is absolutely right, and we all laughed about that one. Hopefully she will reconsider having kids when she is much older.
Lorelei is into art projects. Since she wants to be an artist, she is busily creating new things. Each week she chooses a theme and makes 10 or 15 of the same thing. She started this routine around Christmas time and started to make mice. She made mice out of red and green paper. She made a whole army of mice. I think she got the idea from the Nutcracker.
The next couple weeks she was into making caterpillars and insects. She made little puppets with popsicle sticks. She then made ladybugs and butterflies. It was so cute. She wanted to have a little puppet show with all her friends and was already planning a birthday party for herself. She wanted a puppet show and she needed to create all the puppets for it. She then started writing all her friends names on the back of them, so each one had their own puppet. She is now ready for her birthday/puppet show party. It is so funny.
Lorelei then learned the Humpty Dumpty song and started making Humpty-Dumpty puppets. She sings the song as Humpty Dumpty has a great fall.
Now she is on to making Peeps for Easter and chicks in Easter eggs. She is quite creative and even cut off half the egg and glued the peep in the egg.
She is so creative and it is fun to see what else she is going to come up with. I guess we'll wait until next week to see what her new creation will be.
This is what Lorelei was rattling off in the back of the car. Since I was parked at a store, I was able to write it down. It is so funny what kids come up with. She always knows how to make me laugh.
She also has started to use the word "Freakin." It is so funny and emphasizes what she is really trying to say. I wonder where she learned that from!
We were playing a guessing game. What animal is a certain color, size etc. Chad and I were having hard time guessing Lorelei's animal. She kept giving us different clues, however, we weren't getting close. She finally said it started with a C and lives in the ocean. Chad thought of clown fish, but that was wrong. After different things I finally said, "Seahorse," I was right. In her little mind, of course Seahorse started with a C. It was so funny. Later I asked what letter Seahorse started with and she told me an "S," I think she was just trying to give us a better hint than just what letter it started with. It was so funny.
We were having a conversation about having babies. Lorelei asked me if it hurt to have kids. I couldn't lie and didn't want to get into the different ways we woman have kids. Lorelei went on to say that she doesn't want to have kids, because it will hurt. However, she said maybe she would have one kid. I asked, "Why not have eight kids?" "Oma had eight kids!" She said, "No way, that would mean I would have to make too MUCH DINNER!" She is absolutely right, and we all laughed about that one. Hopefully she will reconsider having kids when she is much older.
Lorelei is into art projects. Since she wants to be an artist, she is busily creating new things. Each week she chooses a theme and makes 10 or 15 of the same thing. She started this routine around Christmas time and started to make mice. She made mice out of red and green paper. She made a whole army of mice. I think she got the idea from the Nutcracker.
The next couple weeks she was into making caterpillars and insects. She made little puppets with popsicle sticks. She then made ladybugs and butterflies. It was so cute. She wanted to have a little puppet show with all her friends and was already planning a birthday party for herself. She wanted a puppet show and she needed to create all the puppets for it. She then started writing all her friends names on the back of them, so each one had their own puppet. She is now ready for her birthday/puppet show party. It is so funny.
Lorelei then learned the Humpty Dumpty song and started making Humpty-Dumpty puppets. She sings the song as Humpty Dumpty has a great fall.
Now she is on to making Peeps for Easter and chicks in Easter eggs. She is quite creative and even cut off half the egg and glued the peep in the egg.
She is so creative and it is fun to see what else she is going to come up with. I guess we'll wait until next week to see what her new creation will be.
yeah you really did update your blog!! love all the pictures and your posts.
Gosh, I haven't looked at your blog for soo long!!!! It was great to catch up!! Your kids are getting so big! Lorelei's comment about having to make too much dinner made me laugh OUTLOUD!!! lol!! Wow, that's crazy that Jenny has 3 kids! That's great you guys keep in touch!! You knew she and I were MTC comps, right?
They grow up so fast!! Elle and Macey say the funniest things! Your kids are absolutely beautiful, can't believe how big McRea is ( I know I spelled that wrong, sorry)! Thanks for the Christmas card, think of you guys lots!
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