Look at this Handsome Man!
I'm 6 months old!
He loves his bathtime with Lorelei! 

He doesn't know what to think of dress up time.
Lorelei likes to make him into a princess.
He likes to show off his cute moves!
A half a year old! I can't believe where the time is going! We went in for his six month check-up and he is now weighing in at 17lbs 13 ozs. He is thinning out a little, but he is still growing taller. He is 28 inches long and is off the charts for height. We haven't started him on solids yet, because of his allergies. He is now rolling back and forth. He has also started scooting. In fact, I found this out when he scooted himself off the bed, while he was napping. He basically can get to the things he wants to. I guess it's time to start childproofing the house. McCrea loves to sing. He has a very loud singing voice and loves to express everything from the top of his lungs. It is quite embarrassing especially when you are trying to be reverent at church. He loves to join in with the singing and tries to top everyone's singing voices. We might have an American Idol contestant in the future! He loves to drool, probably due to teething, but we may need to carry around a bucket real soon. He has gotten his first two teeth and because he loves to bite on everything I'm sure more are on their way. He is very entertained by his sister and wants to know what she is doing at all times. He watches her contently until she comes and pesters him a little too much. Lorelei is in to dressing him up like her prince and sometimes princess. He allows this for only a little while, before he protests and wants to be alone. He loves to eat paper. Lorelei now and again leaves paper on the floor and that is his first mission. He will find a way to get it in his hands before anyone else sees. Luckily, he's not allergic to paper, YET! We are enjoying every new month with our baby boy. He is the light of our life!
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