It just happened to be as I was looking back through my pictures she built these two towers on September 11th.
September 11, 2001
It was a morning I will never forget. I couldn't believe what was happening to the perfect world I lived in. Was it really possible that this could happen in AMERICA? I still can't believe it happened. I was on my way to school like any other day. I remember turning on the radio and listening to what I thought was the D.J.'s playing a joke on us. I was late for school, but as I walked into my history class I looked at everyone's faces. It was for real. This wasn't some sick joke! Our country was being attacked! I was waiting for my teacher to give us some kind of hope or reassurance that everything was going to be okay, but she was just as confused and sad. Everyone felt hopeless and scared. We were all glued to the T.V. as we watched this days events unfold. How ironic that I was watching this in history class. I was watching the worst history lesson I have ever seen. I was so angry, sad and I cried. I cried for the families and people who lost their lives and loved ones. I wish I knew how to honor those people who lost their lives and fight for our freedom everyday. We all worked together as a nation. We helped each other. I was so impressed with the love, selflessness, and hope as we pulled together as a country after that disaster. I remember watching the American flags going up all over. I couldn't have been more proud. The honor, respect and patriotism I felt during that year. I felt like I was ready to join the army and fight for our freedoms.
Here it is seven years later and what happened? I feel the patriotism has died. I feel that we have all gone back to our selfish ways, forgetting about the needs of others. I feel that our country has forgotten what has happened. I went out this morning to display my American flag. A lady watched me from across the way and smiled. It made me happy to see her and have her notice. It represents so much to me, so I was glad that someone was watching. I am proud to be an American. Although, I have experienced living in a few different countries, which I love, I couldn't be more proud to come home and step firmly again on American soil. There have been a couple times that I have even kissed the ground when I had come home. It always felt good to be home again. I love my freedom, my religion, my beliefs and that I can make choices every day. I love what this country stands for.
Although seven years ago I was terrified, and is a day I will never forget, I also have a very fond memory of 9/11. September 11, 2003 around 10:00 p.m. central time my water broke! I was going to be delivering my first baby. Again, I was terrified, but for a much happier outcome! I went into the hospital that night and gave birth the next day. At 12:53 p.m. my baby girl Lorelei Kaleah Graham was born. She was 8lbs 4 ozs and 21 inches long. It was five years ago that September 11th would not be a day of complete saddness or mourning for me, but a glimpse that happiness can be right around the corner. This is a tribute to all that lost their lives and loved ones. I hope we can all find a glimpse of happiness around the corner. I hope 9/11 can be a day of some hope and happiness for everyone.
That was really refreshing and nice to read this morning. Thank you!! Hope to catch up with you guys sometime soon.
Beautifully written!
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