Oma singing German songs with the children.
Oma playing the Harmonica!
I can't believe my little girl is five years old! I got up early to make Lorelei some yummy waffles, strawberries and whip cream. Then she got to open up a few presents from her Nana and Grandpa. She was thrilled to get the Barbie Diamond of the Castle movie and the Pegasus horse. She was so happy and couldn't wait to play with it. At school, Lorelei got a special crown to wear all day and even had a special visitor, Oma! Oma came to her class and sang some German songs and played her Harmonica with the kids. They loved it! It was so cute! Lorelei then passed out her favorite sugar cookies to her classmates. We then went to her favorite breakfast place called T.C. Eggingtons. She ordered the Minnie Mouse pancakes. Unfortunately, on the way there my mother's power scooter fell off the back of the RV and was completely totalled. We were all very upset and it definitely put a damper on the day. We were going to go to the zoo or go swimming, but because of the accident with the power chair, we spent the afternoon trying to get it fixed. Later that night we all went out for dinner at the Olive Garden to try and recover the sad mishap. Then, we went home and opened gifts from the family. Nana and Grandpa bought her a wedding barbie, Diamond Castle DVD, Pegasus horse, Aurora, and Atlas. Oma and Opa gave her Book of Mormon Felt Set. Uncle Steve gave her the New Ariel DVD. Beth and Cory gave her a Barbie Horse the walks and neighs. Heidi and Tia gave her a polly pocket set and Sara and Jules gave her play beauty set and doll. Mommy and daddy got her a butterfly necklace, barbies, polly pockets, etc. It was a great day. I just love my little birthday girl!
I didn't know your mom went to her class for her birthday! HOW fun! I am sure all the kids LOVED it!!
What a spoiled little girl she is! She got MORE barbies huh??? When she is DONE playing with them you can send them to Anika! :) ha ha
Wow! That sounds like a FANTASTIC birthday! The waffles look YUMMY!
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