Monday, September 15, 2008
Take a look at McCrea's first swim!
McCrea experienced his first swim in the pool! It was a windy day and the water was pretty cold. However, after protesting for just a little bit he got used to it and enjoyed his five minutes in the water with his sister Lorelei, Aunt Beth, Uncle Cory and Cousin Riley. He was moving his arms and kicking his legs. After a little while in the pool we moved to the hot tub where he curled up on mommy's chest and went to sleep. He only had his feet in the water but it was enough to warm him and fall asleep. He is two months old today and already having his first swim lessons.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Today was a special day for our family. We had family and friends come from all over to be with us for McCrea's baby blessing. Chad did a wonderful job blessing baby McCrea. Before church began he was screaming, so I wasn't so hopeful that we were going to have a sleeping baby by the time church started. Luckily, he was sleeping and stayed quiet throughout the blessing. After many pictures with family, we went over to our house for some yummy food and enjoyed the rest of the afternoon catching up with friends and family. It was a wonderful day and a wondeful spirit was present there. Welcome to the family McCrea Daxten Graham!
September 14, 2008 ~1:10 p.m. AZ time
Dear Heavenly Father, by the power of the Holy Melchezidek Priesthood which we hold, we take this infant in our arms to give him a name and a blessing. The name by which he shall be known on the records of this Church and throughout his life shall be McCrea Daxten Graham.
McCrea, I bless you at this time with strength, both an inner strength and a physical strength; an inner strength that you will be able to make good choices throughout your life. Please know that you will be presented with difficult choices. Indeed, this life is a constant struggle between the flesh and the sprit. I bless you that you will be able to rely on the strength of your knowledge, knowing that you have Heavenly Father and the Savior who love you.
I bless you that your body will be strong; that as diseases and infirmities come up that your body will be able to fight those off; that you can remain healthy; that you can avoid serious accidents or injuries; that you can take the trials that come in this life and know that they are an opportunity for you to go through the refiner’s fire to become a better person.
Please know that your mother and father love you with all of their hearts. But, please also know that there will be times in your life that you will feel totally alone. But be aware during those times, that you have the Savior who loves you and who is always there for you.
I bless you with wisdom that you will make good choices throughout your life; that you will be able to discern when you get older and have the opportunity to make friends that you will choose friends who will help you achieve your full potential and who will love you; and you can be an example to them; that you can be an example to your family of righteousness; that you will someday be worthy to hold the priesthood; that you will live your life in such a way that you can serve a worthy mission.
I bless you to be able to work toward marrying in the Temple; that you can find one who shares like interests and goals who, again, will help you achieve your full potential, and you likewise with her; and that you will be one in purpose and in mind, as you move toward eternal salvation.
We bless you with these things and all other things that our Heavenly Father sees fit to bless you with, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
My 5 year old Birthday Girl!

Friday, September 12, 2008
Oma singing German songs with the children.
Oma playing the Harmonica!
I can't believe my little girl is five years old! I got up early to make Lorelei some yummy waffles, strawberries and whip cream. Then she got to open up a few presents from her Nana and Grandpa. She was thrilled to get the Barbie Diamond of the Castle movie and the Pegasus horse. She was so happy and couldn't wait to play with it. At school, Lorelei got a special crown to wear all day and even had a special visitor, Oma! Oma came to her class and sang some German songs and played her Harmonica with the kids. They loved it! It was so cute! Lorelei then passed out her favorite sugar cookies to her classmates. We then went to her favorite breakfast place called T.C. Eggingtons. She ordered the Minnie Mouse pancakes. Unfortunately, on the way there my mother's power scooter fell off the back of the RV and was completely totalled. We were all very upset and it definitely put a damper on the day. We were going to go to the zoo or go swimming, but because of the accident with the power chair, we spent the afternoon trying to get it fixed. Later that night we all went out for dinner at the Olive Garden to try and recover the sad mishap. Then, we went home and opened gifts from the family. Nana and Grandpa bought her a wedding barbie, Diamond Castle DVD, Pegasus horse, Aurora, and Atlas. Oma and Opa gave her Book of Mormon Felt Set. Uncle Steve gave her the New Ariel DVD. Beth and Cory gave her a Barbie Horse the walks and neighs. Heidi and Tia gave her a polly pocket set and Sara and Jules gave her play beauty set and doll. Mommy and daddy got her a butterfly necklace, barbies, polly pockets, etc. It was a great day. I just love my little birthday girl!
4 years old!
5 years old!
Lorelei Kaleah Graham
Born September 12, 2003
at 12:53 p.m. in Iowa City, Iowa
She was 8 lbs 4 ozs and 21 inches long
Here is a list of the things Lorelei loves:
Favorite foods: peanut butter toast, waffles, cheese, hot dog bread, yogurt, lucky charms
Favorite desserts: chocolate, whip cream, chocolate icecream
Favorite fruits: kiwi, strawberries,
Favorite vegetables: edamame, corn on the cob
Favorite Restaurants: Arbys, Red Robin, Pei Wei, Olive Garden
Favorite toys: Barbies, Princesses, polly pockets, dress up,
Favorite Princesses: Belle, Aurora,
Favorite games: Candyland, Elefun
Favorite movies: Every barbie movie and disney princess movies
Favorite TV shows: Tom and Jerry, Nick Jr and Disney shows
Favorite things to do: SWIM, play catch with my dad, ride my bike
Favorite Activity: Ballet, Tap, Tumbling and Cheerleading
Favorite things at School: Recess, P.E., Music
Favorite friends at school: Trinity, Devin
Bestfriends: Sophia, Ashley, Cailee,
Favorite Cousins: Tia, Elizabeth
Favorite Person: Nana
Favorite Vacation: Disneyland, Camping
Favorite Places to go: Disneyland, Jungle Jims, Carousel, Zoo, Mall
Favorite Colors: pink and purple
Favorite Song: "That's all" by Genesis
She had the cutest cry when she was a baby. She would roll her tongue and go RRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
She has been off the charts for both height and weight since she was two months old
She is named after her mom's middle name
She snores at night
She is learning Chinese
She has slept with the same bear blanket since she was six months old.
She had RSV when she was 5 months old and had to be in the hospital
She was always sick as a child
She had asthma, but has outgrown it
She has been haunted by ghosts
She loves to climb on everything and wants to climb the highest mountains
She wants to be a doctor and a ballerina when she grows up.
She can sing the "Lullaby," song in German
She has been to Mexico and Canada. She also went to France, Spain, Luxemburg, Belgium, and the Netherlands (while inside mommies belly)
She has been to Iowa, Illinois, Minnesota, Nebraska, Wyoming, Utah, Missouri, Florida, Texas, Arizona, California, Massachusetts, Alaska, Washington, Nevada, and South Dakota.
She has rode on a camel ,a horse, a waverunner, a fourwheeler
She loves the water and is a great swimmer
There are many things we love about our Lorelei. She is definitely a unique girl. She is very active. We are so lucky to have her in our life. She has taught us so much and is such a good girl. I can't believe my little girl is five years old! Where does the time go? I have just loved these past five years with Lorelei. She is such a sweet, energetic, fun-loving little girl. We just adore her. We have had almost a complete five years just with her. She has taught me that life is exciting and to have fun. She is always on the go! We love her more than words can express. Happy 5th Birthday baby girl!
- She calls the beam from a flashlight "little fella" and talks to it like her little friend.
- She calls Scooby Doo, "Scubby Doo." We have corrected her many times but find it quite funny that she sings, Scubby, Scubby Doo, Where are you?"
- She said about her baby brother, "I just didn't know he was going to be this CUTE."
- She says that McCrea is being a little "fuzzy" instead of "fussy."
- We will never forget our favorite cry and hope McCrea picks up on this. Who could forget Lorelei and her "RRRRrrrrrrrrrr" as she rolled her tongue to cry. This stopped between 1 and 1 1/2 years of age. It was so sad to say good-bye to her unique cry.
- Instead of using mommy, she used to yell my name and with her cute little lisp say, "EEEEEtha"
- On our way to Legoland this year, we hear her in the backseat singing, "Mary had a Legoland, Legoland, Legoland," to the tune of, "Mary Had a Little Lamb."
- When she was younger, Lorelei had asked on a number of occasions to go to E-I-E-I-O. I didn't understand at first what she meant, until one day we were driving by a McDonalds and she exclaimed, "E-I-E-I-O," pointing at McDonalds. I then figured out that she drew this from, "Old McDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O." As she has gotten older she has changed it to from McDonalds to, "Old McDonalds."
- She calls cavities, "Cadabeees," She says, "I don't want to get any cadabeees."
Thursday, September 11, 2008
September 11, 2001
It was a morning I will never forget. I couldn't believe what was happening to the perfect world I lived in. Was it really possible that this could happen in AMERICA? I still can't believe it happened. I was on my way to school like any other day. I remember turning on the radio and listening to what I thought was the D.J.'s playing a joke on us. I was late for school, but as I walked into my history class I looked at everyone's faces. It was for real. This wasn't some sick joke! Our country was being attacked! I was waiting for my teacher to give us some kind of hope or reassurance that everything was going to be okay, but she was just as confused and sad. Everyone felt hopeless and scared. We were all glued to the T.V. as we watched this days events unfold. How ironic that I was watching this in history class. I was watching the worst history lesson I have ever seen. I was so angry, sad and I cried. I cried for the families and people who lost their lives and loved ones. I wish I knew how to honor those people who lost their lives and fight for our freedom everyday. We all worked together as a nation. We helped each other. I was so impressed with the love, selflessness, and hope as we pulled together as a country after that disaster. I remember watching the American flags going up all over. I couldn't have been more proud. The honor, respect and patriotism I felt during that year. I felt like I was ready to join the army and fight for our freedoms.
Here it is seven years later and what happened? I feel the patriotism has died. I feel that we have all gone back to our selfish ways, forgetting about the needs of others. I feel that our country has forgotten what has happened. I went out this morning to display my American flag. A lady watched me from across the way and smiled. It made me happy to see her and have her notice. It represents so much to me, so I was glad that someone was watching. I am proud to be an American. Although, I have experienced living in a few different countries, which I love, I couldn't be more proud to come home and step firmly again on American soil. There have been a couple times that I have even kissed the ground when I had come home. It always felt good to be home again. I love my freedom, my religion, my beliefs and that I can make choices every day. I love what this country stands for.
Although seven years ago I was terrified, and is a day I will never forget, I also have a very fond memory of 9/11. September 11, 2003 around 10:00 p.m. central time my water broke! I was going to be delivering my first baby. Again, I was terrified, but for a much happier outcome! I went into the hospital that night and gave birth the next day. At 12:53 p.m. my baby girl Lorelei Kaleah Graham was born. She was 8lbs 4 ozs and 21 inches long. It was five years ago that September 11th would not be a day of complete saddness or mourning for me, but a glimpse that happiness can be right around the corner. This is a tribute to all that lost their lives and loved ones. I hope we can all find a glimpse of happiness around the corner. I hope 9/11 can be a day of some hope and happiness for everyone.