Giving Kisses to mommy! 
We love Smooches!
Slobbery, WET!

Swim Lessons With Jennifer!
He loves the water!
Splashes, Splashes!
Learning to float on his back!

Swim Lessons With Jennifer!

McCrea is on a roll! He is learning so many new things. He is crawling all over the place and has started to stand and cruise around the furniture. It is crazy how fast your babies grow up. He is such a happy baby and is so easily entertained. Lorelei has taken him to new heights. She plays with him like a rag doll. She spins him around, jumps on the bed with him, and makes him do flips. As a mother I do not know why I allow this, but when I see that McCrea for the most part is enjoying himself (with the occasional outbursts of protesting) I am delighted to let Lorelei experiment with him. He lights up as soon as Lorelei walks in the room. He just loves his big sister. They are great friends. McCrea allows Lorelei to dress him up, tickle him to death, and tease him. I can only imagine what McCrea will do to Lorelei when he is older and wiser. Of course, I know there will be payback in the near future. I am certainly amazed with every month of growth. McCrea is now 19lbs 9ozs and 29 inches long. He is still on the very expensive Neocate formula and we have slowly started him on some solid foods. He has now eating, sweet potatoes, rice cereal, apples, and bananas. He has had some bad reactions to peas and pears. I'm just too scared to feed him. I always worry about what he can and can't handle. There is also wanting to sleep at night. If he eats something that doesn't work with his body, he's up during the night with gas pains and crying. It is so sad. I just hope he outgrows his allergies. McCrea started swimming lessons this month. The first week he didn't like being on his back or going under the water, he would cry and cry and now he doesn't even whine about it. He has learned to go under water and flip up on his back to float. He also learned when he falls in the pool to reach up and grab the side and do monkey walks around the pool. It is amazing how quickly he learned. McCrea makes up his own games. He loves to throw a toy and he goes and gets it, picks it up, and throws it again. I do have to watch him, especially his glass bottle. After he is done eating he scoots over to the tile and starts throwing his glass bottle on the ground. I'm afraid he's going to break it. Anyway, McCrea is such a sweet boy, he is so cuddly and likes to give hugs and kisses. He's has a smile that melts your heart. I just love my little handsome, man.
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