Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Two weeks old and we are loving every minute of it! He is such a GOOD baby! It is fun to try and interact with him. He doesn't quite know what to think about everything yet. He is starting to focus on things. He likes his swing and has focused on the little duckies that turn around above him. He really likes his bouncy seat and kicks his toys with his little feet. He has also discovered the ceiling fan and watches that as it goes around and around. It is amazing how much they can really observe at a young age.


Jen/JRC Ghostbusters! said...

Sorry Teresa - I'm thinking he looks a lot like Chad! Don't hate me... Lorelei is still your gorgeous mini-me, though.

Unknown said...

I think he is looking more like Lorelei in these pictures. So cute. I just want to eat him up!