Lorelei completed her first semester at Chinese school! We went every Saturday for an hour. The teacher was fantastic and for the most part Lorelei enjoyed it. She did learn some Chinese words, but it will be something we will need to practice over and over. She realized that Chinese school was cutting into her time with daddy on Saturdays, so she didn't want to go at the end. At least we get a break for the summer until it starts back up in August. It helps me keep up on my Chinese too! Lorelei is the only white girl on campus and most of the other students have been taught Chinese since they were a baby, so Lorelei has a lot to catch up on. Lorelei has decided that she doesn't want me to be in the room, she wants me to drop her off like her other preschool, however, I want to know what Chinese words she is learning for that day so we can practice. I guess we'll have to come up with a better plan for next semester.
I LOVE that you have Lei Lei in a chinese class - that is just great! I love her faces in the pics - too funny!
That is cool. Talk about supermom!! I can't believe how big she is!! I hope she sticks with it. Wow to know two languages at such a young age!!
you are an amazing mom to have her in SO many classes!! I hope she can stick with her chinese. Is she going to take a spanish class too?? What a smart little girl she is!
Very cool! It's such a beautiful language.
I can't believe she's taking chinese! She is going to be one smart lady!
there's always NI Hao Kai-lan on nick! Kayla is obsessed with languages and i wish they had something like this here!
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