Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Playing Catch Up!
Just got back from a trip to Utah and now I'm sick again with a dang cold, so what better way to spend it but by trying to catch up for the past month and half of blogging. You will have to scroll down to check out the latest. I still have many more pics to post, but thought this would start it off nicely. I still have Utah pictures and then many Easter pics still to come.
Pimpin' My Ride!!
Chad's Camaro now looks like a nice new Dodge Charger! Okay, maybe we can't transform the bitchin' Camaro into anything but what it truly is. However, Chad sold his highschool car for a new ride. I never thought I would see the day when Chad would sell this Camaro. He was definitely attached and I never thought he would be willing to give it up, but after putting a fortune into trying to fix it up and still it didn't want to cooperate, he finally gave in and said it was time to say good-bye forever. Hooray! We even looked into trying to get MTV to try and Pimp his ride, but we had to live in the LA area. So while I was out of town he sold it! He did ask the new owner if he could have visitation rights though! Well his sad, sad story soon became a happy one when he fell in love with this 2006 Dodge Charger, loaded with lots of upgrades. I think he will soon forget all about the Bitchin' Camaro once and for all. After 14 years it's about time he upgraded his car!
Happy 4 1/2 Birthday!!
Ever since Lorelei was 18 months old I celebrated her 1/2 birthdays. I am obsessesed with Birthdays and try to find a reason to celebrate whenever I can. I still try to make the whole month of January my birthday month, hoping Chad will treat me extra special or that I can get out of doing dishes because it's my birthday month. Trust me I need a reason to get special treatment. So because I've adopted this new tradition, every year on March 12th, I make a birthday cake and we sing Happy Birthday to Lorelei. This year I invited a couple friends over to the park to have a picnic, share cupcakes and do Easter crafts. It was so much fun and Lorelei loves this new tradition. Of course she doesn't get any presents, just another fun reason to celebrate!!
A Hole in The Rock!!!
We have a place here called "A Hole in The Rock," literally it is a hole in the rock and it is quick hike up and down in what we would call Arizona mountains, little bumps here and there compared to the Rockies. We decided to take our Saturday and go to the zoo and then take a little hike up to the "Hole in the Rock." It was fun and has a beautiful view over the zoo and some of the Phoenix area. Lorelei loves to hike and says she wants to hike the Biggest Mountains EVER!!
Ballet and Tap Recital!
Lorelei's Dance Recital! She has been in Ballet and Tap since she was two years old and really enjoys it. It is so much fun to see her learning new things. Her favorite part is tap dancing, she loves to shuffle her shoes and stomp her feet to make loud obnoxious sounds with her tap shoes. It doesn't cuter than that!!!
Good Night Moon!
We went to a play at the Tempe Arts Center. We enjoyed a fun play from the book of "Good Night Moon." It was so adorable and entertaining. We went with our good friends Tammy, Gina and Ashley. It was hilarious and I don't know how they were able to entertain us for an hour and half, just on this short story. They also did a fun take on "Runaway Bunny," too. I just love the books by Margaret Wise. Lorelei's favorite part is that she got to dress up in her pajamas to go see the play. After the play was over we went outside to enjoy the fun waterfall and we even spotted a beaver in the Salt River swimming around. We had a great time.
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Don't cut your hair please!!!
It's always sad when you let your daughter have an opinion, because usually it's the one thing you don't want them to choose. It just happened to be about getting a hair cut this time! I knew it was time to get a good trim, so I took her to a darling kids hair cut place to complete the fun experience. Of course, a month ago she talked about growing her hair out long like her mommy's, now it's cutting it short like her cousin Tia's, who she adores. So we went and butched her hair (I think anything more than 3 inches is butching your hair.) I know it will grow back eventually, but it's sad to say good-bye to something that has been with her through these 4 years. She is now sad that we can't braid it or try the Jasmine hair-do anymore, maybe that will teach her! I was in big trouble when daddy saw her hair! OOops!!
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