Sunday, January 27, 2008

In Remembrance of our Loving Prophet!!!

As I sit here at my computer I am at a loss for words. I am still trying to register the news of the passing of our beloved prophet Gordon B. Hinckley. I knew his time would be coming to an end, he lived a long full-filling life, but I was hoping he would live on into his hundreds. I know I shouldn't be so sad, because he is now with his wife again, what a joyous occasion that must be. I just can't imagine this sweet man, with his his great sense-of-humor, his love of people and his great testimony to not be the primary example in my life anymore. I love him so very much and will miss him tremendously. This is a tribute to one of the greatest men alive, one who has influenced so many of my decisions, and one who will continue to have a special place in my heart and home. I am grateful to this wonderful Prophet! We love you!!

p.s. Thank you Brooke for this beautiful picture of Gordon B. Hinckley. You sent it to me years ago. Its always made me very happy.

Our Beloved Friend Harry!!!

Harry Edward Molloy
August 2003-January 2008

On Friday, January 25, 2008 our sweet rabbit Harry passed away. He was definitely part of our family and we will miss him dearly. It is so sad to say good-bye to our Harry. Since we have had my brother Steve living with us this past year, we have also adopted this cute, furry friend as our own. He meant everything to Steve and to us and we know these next couple weeks will be extra difficult. It's amazing how attached you become to something so small, I guess like any pet they become your family too and add extra love and comfort to our lives. We layed him to rest in the backyard where we can visit him often and remember our fun, cuddly, hopping, pooping, sweet, loving Harry. We will miss you Harry!!

Thursday, January 24, 2008


Teresa, Cheri, Jeanne, Jenny and Arianne

On my 16th birthday I met some of the most amazing women I would ever meet in my life. I had just moved into a new neighborhood and transferred to Brighton highschool. My mom decided to throw me a surprise party for my big day. She invited all the girls from my ward and neighborhood, although I didn't know them well we clicked immediately. It turned out to be the best birthday I could of asked for because I soon became friends with the greatest influences in my life. I honestly never thought I would enjoy having girls as friends as I grew up with mostly boy friends. It is amazing that we are celebrating 15 years of friendship next week. I would like to tribute this blog to the greatest girls on earth. Thank you Cheri, Jeanne, Jenny and Arianne for being there for me through some of the hardest years of my life. Thank you for getting me out of bed, for being that listening ear, for understanding, for not judging, for being a great example, for being there when I had no one else, for teaching me, for forgiving me, loving me, supporting me, for all our great adventures (China, Tetons, St. George, Vegas, Cali, Boston), for the "chess" club, dance clubs, sleep overs, parties, Boys, Boys, and more boys. Thank you for always being there for me no matter what and for bringing me back to the the things that matter most, finding a testimony! You are all inspirations to me in so many ways!! We've been through a hell of a lot, but I couldn't have done it without you by my side. Here is to the next 15 years of friendship. I love you, love you, love you. Sisters and Bestfriends forever!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Run Errands???

Lorelei and Oma together!

As I was talking with my mom today, I asked her what she was going to be doing? She told me she was going to be "running errands." As I was hanging up the phone with my mom, I said, "Have fun running errands." and we said our goodbye's. Lorelei chimes in, "But Mom, Oma can't walk, she can't run errands!" IT was so cute, because in her mind she is absolutely right. My mother can't walk and DEFINITELY can't run. She has been handicapped for most of my life and now gets around in her cool Jazzy scooter. So in the literal sense Lorelei was absolutely right, "NO Running" errands for Oma. We had a good laugh. I guess we need to think of another expression to say instead of "running errands" as it doesn't apply to everyone.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Career Changes Already???

My little ballerina in training!

So for the longest time Lorelei has decided she wants to be a doctor, of course I couldn't be more proud, because that's what I wanted to be. I love the body, the blood, the surgeries, and I'm not just talking about the fun drama on Grey's Anatomy, I truly enjoy all that doctorish stuff, it fascinates me, especially the gruesome stuff (I possibly watched way too many horror films.) Of course I didn't go that direction, so I was more than pleased when my daughter at age 3 tells me she wants to be a doctor. I ask "Why do you want to be a doctor?" She says, "I want to fix people and help them." I am so excited about this, UNTIL tonight!

While tucking her into bed,
I said, "I don't want you to grow up anymore,"
she says "but I want to grow up,"
I ask "Why do you want to grow up?"
She says, "because I want to be a Ballerina."

After a long pause, I was thinking my dreams as a doctor are truly finished, even if I would be living vicariously through Lorelei.

I then said, "You will be the most beautiful ballerina ever."

And so it is, from Doctors to Ballerinas!

Here's a couple clips of her dancing skills.
The first clip is their extensive training! Welcome to ballerina boot camp!
The second is one of her dance routines! Do you think she has what it takes to be a real dancer? Good thing ballerinas don't normally wear underwear!!!

Monday, January 7, 2008

Everyone's Doing IT!!!

Loving our baby more often is our Resolution this year!
We will almost have 5 years of complete one on one with Lorelei, before baby #2 comes.
Lorelei almost a week old.
Trying to prepare myself for another baby.
I have to look at her pictures to remember how little they really are.
There is no turning back now!!!

New Year's Resolutions 2008!!!

  • Spending our last 6 months cuddling our little girl Lorelei, before a new baby comes!
  • Relearning what a baby is! I'm scared.
  • Getting off mild bed rest, so I can exercise, clean my house, pick something off the floor if I need to and stop nagging everyone around me to help me. I'm going to go insane!
  • Trying to keep it under 30 lbs of average weight gain in pregnancy (I've already asked about a tummy tuck as an option. I figure I'm going to be going under the knife anyway, so while they're in there just fix a few things, the doctors just laugh, but I'm dead SERIOUS!)
  • Welcoming a new baby around the middle of July (That is a resolution!)
  • Trying to catch up on scrapbooks before another baby comes into play. I'm only 4 years behind on Lorelei's scrapbook. Hooray!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008


Santa Came!! Hooray!! I got a new Barbie Scooter, Ponyville, Swim Baby, Cheerleader Barbies and Chocolate Santa's Galore! Thank You, Santa!
Uncle Steve and Lorelei ready to begin the present opening.
Christmas Morn!!
Telling Santa what she wants for Christmas! Chocolate Santa's and Rainbow Dash!
Did he just ask me if I have been a good girl this year? Uh OH!
Christmas Lights!
Mesa Temple

Happy New Year!!! How am I going to get Lorelei to behave this year? I have no more ammunition to use anymore. Santa was my new bestfriend and now he's gone. Do I really have to wait for another 11 months to use the line, "If you do not behave Santa will not come this year," or "You stop throwing that tantrum, because I'm going to call Santa right now"? I used these lines on so many occasions that I forgot what I used to do for discipline before Christmas came. Thank you Santa and I will miss you for all my disciplinary needs. See you next year!!
Here our the last few pictures of our Christmas 2007!
We spent a fun-filled day Christmas Eve going to the movie, "Enchanted," seeing the temple lights, coming home to frost cookies for Santa, reading Christmas stories and getting ready for Santa and his Reindeer to come visit. We spent a relaxing Christmas with just the three of us and Uncle Steve. We mostly spent our day opening presents and then passed countless hours opening the toy packaging that was tied up with wire, ties, strings, glue, plastic, etc. Why does everything have to be tied down twenty times? Who can even open those damn things? After much frustration we have finally gotten them all open, only to find we have no place to put them. I guess it's time to clean out all the closets to make room!

Gingerbread houses, Santa's sleighs, candy canes, OH MY!

We not only made a Gingerbread house this year, but Santa's sleigh as well. Chad and Lorelei hard at work on creating the perfect holiday Gingerbread house. It turned out beautifully! I was the general contractor, Chad was the architect and Lorelei was in charge of design.
Lorelei was so proud of her masterpiece.
We then moved on to Gingerbread Sleighs with our friends. Unfortunately, the sleigh was not cooperating and fell apart about five times. We didn't add too many decorations because the frosting was not sticky enough! Oh well, better luck next year!